
Every Member is a Disciple
We, the people of the New Milford United Methodist Church, strive to be a light in the world. We invite people from all walks of life to join in seeking a deeper and more committed relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We realize this relationship by discovering our God-given gifts through disciplined worship, study, stewardship, fellowship, and mission. We make manifest God’s love by sharing our gifts and faith in service to others, growing as disciples of Christ.
We value...
All people as children of God. A safe, welcoming sanctuary with Christian fellowship. A united church family that looks to God for guidance in all matters. Worship that praises God and inspires Christ’s disciples. Deepening our commitment to Jesus’ teachings through Christ-like action
We believe...
In God the Creator, Jesus Christ His son, and the eternal presence of the Holy Spirit. In God’s unconditional and transforming love. In God’s grace freely given. In salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the Scriptures as the foundation of our faith. In faith-based action that glorifies God.

Pastor Yongyeun Lee
Pastor Yongyeun Lee was born in South Korea and grew up in Seoul. He came to the U.S. after marrying his wife Ohyeun, whom he met at Methodist University in Seoul, Korea. He has two sons. The first son is working as an Education Architect in Nashville, Tennessee; and the second one is working as a Environmental Scientist at the Great Hollow Nature Reservation Research Center in New Fairfield, CT. He is currently living with Pastor Lee.
Pastor Lee studied at the Perkins School of Theology at SMU in Dallas, Texas where he received a master’s degree; and continued his studies in Chicago, Illinois at the Theological Seminary where he received his Ph.D. from Chicago Theological Seminary majoring in Church History. He was ordained at the New York Annual Conference and served the Korean churches and English-speaking congregations in New York and Connecticut for about 20 years. He had a team ministry with his wife, Ohyeun, who studied Christian Education.
Pastor Lee loves playing sports such as tennis and golf; and also enjoys cooking. He especially loves to sing and play the guitar. Ohyeun and he are very happy to be a part of the New Milford UMC faith community. Pastor Lee and Ohyeun feel that they have a more enjoyable and blessed ministry by loving and sharing each other with the church congregation.