Mission service is an important part of our United Methodist tradition and our history as a church. Whether it be helping start a soup kitchen for the needy, hosting refugee families, helping build an orphanage in Mozambique, or providing low cost temporary housing, we are committed to care for those in need. Although the focus of our work has changed over the years, our commitment to serving others has remained and grown. We hope you join us in living out our call to Christian service and to loving our neighbors.

Our Daily Bread Food Pantry
Begun in 2005, this mission provides food and personal items once a week for any individual who is in need. Food is supplied by the Connecticut Food Bank and donations. Clients may be referred by Social Services or other agencies, but may also be self-referred; all are welcome. Our program is an equal opportunity provider. The food pantry is open from 3:00p.m.-6:00 p.m. each Thursday. Volunteers are needed to unload food deliveries on Thursday mornings, assist with food distribution, and collect donated items. The church also accepts donations of food, household supplies, and personal care products. Donation boxes are located in the church entry.
Early Response Team (Disaster Recovery Support)
Early Response Team is part of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Volunteers are trained to be a part of a fully trained team or to lead a non-trained team to assist recovery activities. They provide a Christian presence and take steps to prevent further damage to a family’s personal property (stabilizing by tarping, debris removal, chainsaw work, cleaning out flooded homes, etc.). Teams may be asked to manage donated materials, gather information or perform other tasks as deemed necessary by the community; observe survivor’s needs and report these to the local operations and be a part of the caring ministry of “listeners” who will help survivors begin to heal. Several members of our church have been trained as volunteers and have responded to disasters in Haiti, Long Island, Rhode Island, the Catskills and others. Contact the church office at [email protected] for more information about being trained as a volunteer to get involved locally, or on one of the possible international causes.

Kairos Prison Ministry
Kairos Prison Ministry is a Christian, volunteer, lay-led, ecumenical ministry to those incarcerated and their loved ones. It involves several prisons in Connecticut. Our church is involved at Garner Correctional Facility in Newtown, CT. Yearly retreats are held in early Spring offering support and bible study for incarcerated men with reunion meetings held the second Saturday of each month. A program for women who have loved ones who are incarcerated is also held yearly. Volunteers are needed to participate in these retreats and follow-up visits. You can also sponsor a Kairos volunteer.
Loaves and Fishes
This program originated in New Milford in the early 1980s. It sprang from the work of several local church people including the New Milford United Methodist Church and Biddy Rogers, a member of St John’s Episcopal Church. Originally housed at St. John’s Episcopal Church and currently at the Richmond Center the program provides meals to everyone who comes, and it hasn't missed a day - including holidays - in 38 years! It is open daily from 4:30-5:30p.m. Our church is responsible for the meal on the third Thursday and third Friday of each month. Three or four volunteers are needed to prepare food and serve about 20+ people at the Center.
The New York Annual Conference and the Methodist Church has a long history of service in Mozambique. The New Milford United Methodist Church has been involved in several Volunteer in Mission trips going back to 1998. We raised the funds to relocate and build a new orphanage in Cambine, built a bread oven there, and supported the Agriculture Project and Dieudonne Karihano, a General Board of Global Ministries missionary there. Volunteers are needed to participate in mission trips as well as to make regular donations in support of the children at the orphanage.

The United Methodist Action Reach-Out Mission by Youth (U.M. ARMY) is an opportunity for youth, college students and adults to experience Christian growth through mission, worship and fellowship. Its mission is "to provide Christ-centered quality youth work camps that serve people in need and promote spiritual growth and leadership development in youth.” Participants combine their strengths to meet home repair and maintenance needs of those unable to help themselves. The week-long mission trip is generally scheduled for July or August. Both youth and adult volunteers are needed. Adult volunteers are needed for pre site visits, for work planning and for youth supervision on the actual trip. Youth volunteers are needed for the work trip.
United Methodist Men
The New Milford United Methodist Men meet on the fourth Tuesday of ever month at 6:30pm. All men in the church are welcome to join us for an evening meal and fellowship. For 45 consecutive years, we have been responsible for placing Christmas trees on the New Milford Green and decorating them for the holiday season. For more than 48 years, we have also raised money by selling Christmas trees. The Saturday morning after Thanksgiving, we unload 600 fresh cut trees. The money we raise is use to fund the "Art and Fay Carlson College Scholarships" for youth members of the church and the "George Leary Camp Scholarships" for youth for summer camps. Additional United Methodists Men projects include the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, helping to clean up the Pines for the summer outdoor services, helping with Pumpkin Patch fundraiser, and helping with the church's Fall Fair.