Chapel in the Pines
During the summer months of July and August we take the opportunity worship outdoors in our "Chapel in the Pines." The Chapel has a small stone altar, stone pulpit, and stone lectern. This service celebrates the presence of God in a natural setting. The Chapel in the Pines was actually the first operational chapel at our current location. When the property was purchased, this chapel was constructed to provide an area for us to worship while construction began on our main church building. For more information about our church's history, click here.

Memory Garden
The Memory Garden was created as a special place in the midst of our church grounds where the memory of loved ones could flourish. It’s a beautiful and quiet area where one can stroll peacefully and remember and celebrate the lives of loved ones and experience the love of God that surrounds us always. This garden stands at the entrance to the Chapel in the Pines, on the right of the driveway. The garden contains a Memorial Stone pathway bordered with myrtle which makes it possible for one to place cremated remains behind the appropriate stone. A memorial album is kept in the church library for each stone containing pictures, biographies, etc. of the people memorialized.